By checking your eligibility requirements in your adoption agreement, and the definition of entry date. This is all found in section 3 of the adoption agreement. If your firm elected the one year of eligibility criteria, this also requires that the employee work 1,000 hours of service in that first year of employment.

See the link for Program Enroll in the upper right area of the Enrollment Package or on the homepage of our website. Employees enroll themselves in your plan.

Notify the Program of their employment status change by submitting a Participant Data Change Form.

Plan Participant Resources

This section contains information on resources available for participants in the Plan. As the Plan Administrator, you may need to direct participants to the appropriate resource to answer questions and process modifications to their retirement plans.

Customer Service Center

When participants need information about their account, you can ask them to call the Customer Service Center at 800.348.2272. The Customer Service Center allows participants to choose from a number of options to get information or complete transactions, such as:

  • Change a password
  • Request a password
  • Obtain account balance
  • Obtain fund performance and daily prices
  • Model or request a loan
  • Transfer amounts among investment options
  • Reallocate available fund balances
  • Change investment elections for future contributions
  • Access the Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA), if applicable
  • Speak with a Customer Service Associate (CSA)

The Voice Response Unit is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customer Service Associates are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

Transaction requests received by 4:00 p.m. ET on a business day are processed at the close of business on the same day. Transaction requests received after 4:00 p.m. ET or on a non-business day are processed at the close of business on the next business day.

Calling the Customer Service Center also allows participants to reach Voya Retirement Advisors LLC.

Using the Voice Response Unit

Participants who have an account balance in the plan can use the Voice Response Unit to access account information.

The total account balance will be provided. Press 1 to repeat the account balance. Press 2 to access the main menu. Press 3 to access another plan account, if applicable. If the participant doesn’t press anything, the menu will automatically be repeated

In general, while using the Customer Service Center, if the participant doesn’t press anything, the last menu automatically will be repeated.

Participants who don’t have an account balance will need to hold for a Customer Service Associate after entering their password.

Program website/participant portal

If participants want more information about the ABA Retirement Funds Program be sure to tell them to access The main site contains an overview of the Program and the investment options, and by clicking on Participant Login, they can access their own account information.

After logging on through the website, participants can:

  • Change a password
  • Request a password reminder
  • Obtain an account balance
  • Obtain fund performance and daily unit values
  • Transfer amounts among investment options
  • Reallocate or rebalance available fund balances
  • Change investment elections for future contributions
  • Model or request a loan
  • Access 24 months’ worth of transaction history
  • Access the Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA), if applicable
  • Elect to view and generate participant statements online (turn off paper statement option)
  • Use interactive retirement planning calculators including myOrangeMoney®
  • Access personal investment advice through Voya Retirement Advisors LLC.
  • View and print helpful education and planning materials on retirement
  • Access I-chat transcripts on retirement and investment topics

Accessing the online account

Participants can access their account online at any time at To log in to their account, participants will need their Social Security number and password (or a username if previously established by the participant). The site provides login instructions, as well as information about requesting a new password. The first time a participant logs on, he or she will be required to establish “multi-factor authentication” by providing a mobile number (for a text message validation code) or email address (for email validation code). The participant can then register the device so that these codes are not needed in the future.

Once a participant has logged in through “Participant Login,” the website offers the following features:

  • Account — includes “Balances,” which breaks down the participant’s balance by investment option. “Manage Investments” shows the participant, at a glance, the investment elections he or she has made for his or her contributions and allows him or her to make certain changes to contributions or balances. “Loans” details any outstanding loans from the participant’s account and allows him or her to model and/or request a loan. “Withdrawals” shows the participant the type and amount of available in-service withdrawals. “Transaction History” allows the participant to view an account history of all transactions made within the prior 24 months. “Account Activity” and “Pending Transactions” allow participants to view the most recent account history.
  • Personal Information — allows participants to view their personal data.
  • Investments — contains not only current performance figures for all the Program’s investments (YTD, previous three months and previous 12 months), but also daily unit values and a short description of each fund, its objective and investment advisor.
  • Plan Information — gives extensive information about the Program, including Plan Highlights, Participant Services and FAQs.
  • Forms (under Plan Information) — allows participants to download administrative forms.
  • Education and Tools — provides participants with interactive calculators to help project if they’re on track to meeting their retirement goals, as well as past I-Chat transcripts from discussions with financial experts.

Most of the Program’s literature can also be found on the main website without having to log on.

Mail and email

Plan participants can always contact the Program by mail or email. All correspondence is responded to or acknowledged within three business days. If additional research is necessary, the complete response is generally provided within 10 business days.

Regular Mail

ABA Retirement Funds Program

P.O. Box 990073

Hartford, CT 06199

Overnight Mail

ABA Retirement Funds Program

One Orange Way

Windsor, CT 06095


Email (general inquiries)

Administrative Forms can be emailed to