It depends. The Program is prepared to calculate your contributions based on the plan’s design, eligible employees and compensation. This will allow you to maximize all available contributions while still adhering to the contribution limits. Respond to the compliance team’s solicitation email in January to have all applicable testing performed as well as contributions calculated.
There are three ways to submit contributions:
- With a check payable to ABA Retirement Funds Program (or a wire) along with a Contribution and Loan Repayment Remittance Form.
- Via Payroll/Administration through Sponsor Web.
- Via ProgramPay, a new payroll submission procedure, also through Sponsor Web.
Based on the method you elected in your adoption agreement, you will either use the funds in the forfeiture account to offset your employer contribution costs (most common) or reallocate the funds on an annual basis to the eligible participants. The Program can assist you in calculating a reallocation if that’s the method chosen.
The Program can monitor the dollar limit for contributions (401(k) deferral limit as well as 415 annual additions limit). We can only monitor the percentage limit if we are also calculating your employer contributions for the year. If a participant does exceed one of the contribution limits, please submit a Corrective Measures for Contributions form. Use section 3A for excess contributions over the annual additions limit, or section 3B if the 401(k) deferral limit was exceeded.
This section contains information on processing contributions and loan repayments to your ABA Retirement Funds Program (the Program) plan. We have included:
- Definitions for the contribution formulas and contribution limits
- Instructions for completing the Program forms, and
- Details concerning transmittals to the Program.
Steps for Plan Contributions and Loan Repayments

1. Participant Contributions
- If there are pre-tax [401(k)] elective, after-tax employee or Roth 401(k) contributions, the participant must authorize deductions to the plan by way of a salary reduction agreement
- In the case of a plan that has adopted automatic enrollment, the participant must have been provided with the required notice

2. Employer Contributions
- Calculate amount of contribution, factoring in any forfeitures to be used or reallocated, as well as contribution limits.

3. All Contributions
- Complete information for Payroll/Administration
- Complete Contribution and Loan Repayment Remittance Form
- Complete Rollover Certification Form for Individual Participant for rollover contributions (Plan Participant is also involved in this sub-step)
- Complete Notification of Contributions/Loan Repayments by Wire to wire transfer contributions and loan repayments to the Program

4. Send contributions, loan repayments, applicable forms, disks and/or checks to the Program

5. Process contributions/forms

6. Mail confirmation notice of contributions to the Plan Administrator

7. Complete Corrective Measures for Contributions Form to correct contribution mistakes or excess contributions